Spring Weed Control
After a long cold winter it is time to start thinking about the lawn again. For most of us this means we get a chance to get out side and enjoy the warm spring weather. Weather it be planting the garden, removing all the winter debris or just sitting around the grill and enjoying a beverage. For our grass it means it is time to come alive again. There are several items to consider during this time frame.
Crabgrass Control
As the soil begins to warm up, so will the turf. It will start to come out of its winter state and green up. In addition to the turf, weeds will also start to wake up. As the soil reaches the critical temp, the weed seeds that lay dormant with in the soil will begin to germinate. These include but are not limited to cragbrass and foxtail. While these weeds are a common problem, they can be prevented with the application of weed premergance. Green Head Turf Systems offers a lawn care programs which prevents these weeds while feeding the turf.
6 step lawn program
With the application of a turf premergance such as Barricade or Dimension the crabgrass and foxtail can be prevented. This application is part of our 6 step lawn application program. This program includes two pemergance applications along with the proper granular fertilizers to build a strong root system. It also includes such items as grub control and spot weed spraying. Weather you live in Overland Park or Olathe, Green Head Turf Systems has the program for your lawn. Call today to schedule your free lawn analysis.