Fall Lawn Care KCThe way you care for your lawn in the fall should be different than how you care for it in the summer months. The climate in the Midwest starts changing, with lower temperatures and humidity levels. Here are a few tips to follow this fall that will ensure your lawn stays healthy and is in good shape when winter comes around.


Keep Watering When the Temperatures Drop

Many homeowners think lawns don’t need as much care in the fall, because the grass grows slower, but it’s actually just the opposite. Your grass is actually gathering all the energy, moisture and nutrients it can get before the long winter ahead. That’s why you should continue to water your lawn regularly through the fall months. We suggest watering a couple times of week in the morning. Don’t drown your lawn though. That could actually damage it before winter.


Related Read: Try our 6-Step Lawn Care Program for a greener Kansas City Lawn.


Change Your Mowing Habits

While we suggest you continue to mow your lawn regularly, you’ll want to adjust your habits as you near the end of the fall season. Grass is growing slower, so you might not have to mow quite as often, but for the last few mows, you should lower your blade. This will allow the grass to soak up more sunlight, which will help it store more energy for the winter and reward you with a more lush lawn come spring.


Focus on Fertilization

Fall is the most ideal time of the year to fertilize your lawn. Grass leaves grow slowly, but the grass roots are still growing quickly. Applying fertilizer now will deliver the essential nutrients for the grass to grow deep roots now and to keep a healthy reserve of nutrients through the winter months and into next spring.


Rake Leaves Consistently

This may seem like a given, but a lot of people don’t keep up with the avalanche of leaves on their lawns, thinking the wind will blow them away. But it’s actually important to keep up with the leaves so they don’t become matted down by rain and suffocate the grass. Un-raked and matted leaves can even breed fungal disease.


Call us at (913) 645-9586 to set up your Green Head Turf Systems sprinkler services and other seasonal lawn care services.

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